VOTE for
Why should we vote???
From judges to sheriffs, comptrollers to county clerks, state and local offices deserve just as much voter consideration as the president. Understandably, more people put their focus on presidential elections. However, the general election is not the alpha and omega of politics in our country. Indeed, there are so many other down-ballot races happening, but come November 2nd, our local municipal elections can be just as impactful as the general election. In fact, it may be even more important to your everyday life. Because when our leaders at the very top fail us, it is often local and state officials who can step in and make change. This is why Realtors® to vote, and why you should too! Take just 60 seconds and hear from local Cache Valley Realtors® on why your vote is so important…
Once a registered voter, casting a ballot by mail is easy and convenient. Your voter registration must be received by your county clerk before 5:00 pm on Friday, October 22, 2021. However, Utah’s counties will begin mailing ballots as early as October 12, 2021 and if you’re already a registered voter, you will see ballots arrive shortly after.
Your county clerk uses various security and privacy measures to ensure that your mail ballot is secret and counted accurately. Some counties offer prepaid postage on your ballot envelope, and other counties do not. Refer to the instructions that are included in your ballot. If your county does not offer prepaid postage and you cannot obtain a stamp, your county may offer drop box locations.

CLICK HERE to register online to vote. Your address must match the address on file with the Utah Driver License Division. If you address is not current with the DLD, you may still use the online voter registration system, but you will be required to print the voter form with the correct address, sign and mail it in.
If you are an active registered voter, then yes, you will automatically receive a ballot in the mail. Your county clerk will mail ballots between October 12, 2021 and October 28, 2021. If you do not receive a ballot shortly after this time, immediately contact your county clerk’s office.
Cache County will be accepting votes BY MAIL ONLY. No polling locations will be available on election day. Voters with disabilities who need assistance casting their vote can do so at the Cache County offices. Call (435) 755-1460 to schedule an appointment.
Most of the issues that affect your day-to-day life are decided at the local level. With that in mind, you want someone in office who you believe will make decisions best suited to the needs of the people in your area.
You can influence the policy decision you’re most passionate about! Like roads, infrastructure, zoning & development. You have a say… you might as well use it.
Local elections are decided on the margins, which is how change happens – rights are granted and rights are taken away. Democracy does not work if we don’t participate, and it creates a disconnect between us and those that create policy & law.

REALTORS® work hard to protect and promote homeownership and property investments. We understand that in order to build strong, healthy communities, and create a vibrant business environment, strong candidates must be elected to our City Councils. Your local REALTORS® come together and speak with one voice about the stability a sound and dynamic real estate market brings to our communities.
Cache Valley REALTORS® know the importance of participating in our local elections. This is why we encourage you to get to know your candidates and make the commitment to cast your vote!