A recent deal that promises to bring more new-construction listings to real estate pros in Florida signals the expansion of data sharing between builders and MLSs.


As the market posts strong gains during the start of the spring buying season, these 15 spots are the best in the country from both a supply and demand perspective, according to a new realtor.com® report.


For some, getting a root canal or speaking in public is less worrying than the prospect of navigating the home-purchase process.


The average on fixed-rate mortgages moved slightly higher this week, though borrowers continue to enjoy historical lows, Freddie Mac reports.


More borrowers were able to reduce their monthly mortgage payments and shorten their loan terms in the first quarter of this year.


The birth rate among Millennial women in their 20s is now at the slowest pace of any generation in U.S. history, and some researchers say a rebound may not be coming. Does that mean fewer future households?