The Good Neighbor Committee is looking for projects to get involved with during 2012. The mission statement for the GNC is this:
Involve the Cache-Rich Association of REALTORS® in public service programs to improve the quality of life in the communities encompassed by the Association jurisdiction and contribute to the well-being of the community. To provide charitable services benefiting the citizens of Cache and Rich Counties while providing positive public relations for the REALTOR® community.
Since our members live within the local communities described, the GNC wants your input.
Please fill out a Project Request Form and submit back with details regarding an individual or organization that could use our help. Keep in mind that this is a service based committee and no Association Funds may be donated directly to a cause. Requests are due no later than January 4th, 2012.
If you have further questions, please contact the Association office, or Greg Henderson with ERA, Chairman of the Good Neighbor Committee.