Home buyers who discover house flaws too late in the purchasing process may face costly repairs. Here are some things you should tell them to watch out for.
The nation’s largest mortgage lender says it’s cutting 2,300 employees due to a drastic decrease in refinances because of rising interest rates.
Though median household income has been rising for the last two years, it’s still 4.4 percent below where it was in June 2009 when the recession officially ended, according to a new study by two former Census Bureau officials.
Take a deep breath: These cities boast the least-polluted air in the nation, according to Money Magazine.
The city council in Aspen, Colo., wants to add a clause to future sales in a proposed luxury building that prevents buyers from complaining about the noise from nearby businesses.
Tech firm Blueroof360’s blueQub app, hitting the market in September, is intended to serve as a one-stop utility app for agents in the field.