Limited inventories of for-sale homes continue to push home prices higher across the country, and for 10 states, the limited listings even propelled markets to new home price peaks in May.
Amid overseas turmoil, mortgage rates likely will hover around 4 percent for awhile, Freddie Mac predicts.
As the number of households belonging to older adults rises dramatically, mixed with the aging housing stock, home remodeling is likely to see a dramatic uptick in the coming years.
A study discredits the assumption that a landfill would negatively impact the value of nearby homes, as long as the trash facility is a small one.
In Seattle, the mayor’s housing task force is reportedly in talks to make a sweeping change: Remove the city’s single-family zoning, which for 100-plus years has been defining the city’s neighborhood feel.
A real estate professional is asking a judge to toss out a lawsuit that alleges an agent knowingly sold an Annapolis home that was infested with black rat snakes to a couple.