Are you known in your real estate market by a catchy business slogan or tagline? Have you created a unique brand for yourself or your team that makes your business memorable with prospects and past clients?
Banks are expected to pick up the pace of foreclosures, which will send a new wave of these properties on the market soon, housing experts say. This anticipated “wave” will occur at a time when the housing market has been showing signs of strengthening in pockets across the country, they also note.
Some buyers are calling the vacation-home market the “perfect storm,” — falling home values, low mortgage rates, and increased affordability — which is prompting more opportunity in the second-home market.
Several cities across the country are reporting large gains in their populations over the last decade. CNNMoney recently highlighted some of the fastest growing cities, based on Census Bureau data from 2000 to 2010.
For an upcoming technology feature in REALTOR® Magazine, we’re looking to talk to real estate pros who excel at using e-mail marketing or shine at social media marketing. We also want to speak to folks who put together superb video tours of homes or use paperless transaction systems effectively. If any of these areas are strengths of yours, please contact: