House flippers–made up of investors who bought up homes during the housing boom, possibly made a few upgrades to the home, and quickly resold the homes for high-dollar profit–played a large role in causing the housing bubble–much larger than previously thought, according to a new federal report out by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The impact that speculative real estate investors played in driving the housing downturn has mostly been overlooked until now, the researchers note.


In Chicago, lenders are required to maintain vacant homes in foreclosure, such as by keeping lawns mowed and tidy and attending to maintenance issues inside. Lenders found in violation can face daily fines up to $1,000. But the Federal Housing Finance Agency is suing the city of Chicago for its new ordinance, saying the city is overstepping its authority with the mandate.


Are your buyers having a tough time wading through the inventories of homes to find the right home? Kelly O’Ryan, an office manager with Coldwell Banker in Lexington, Mass., offered some of the following tips in a recent article at RISMedia to help your home buyers narrow their search when looking for properties:


Some lenders may be more willing to reduce the mortgage principal than grant a short sale for borrowers under the Home Affordable Modification Program (or HAMP). The principal reduction can mean big savings for home owners too–the average amount reduced on a principal reduction is more than $65,000, or 31 percent of the unpaid balance on the mortgage, according to new Treasury Department data.


Fed Chair Ben Bernanke knows a good interest rate when he sees it. The Fed chair has twice since 2009 refinanced the mortgage on his three-bedroom, attached town home in Washington, D.C.
