Many small lenders, such as community banks and credit unions, say they are willing to cover jumbo loans with 5 percent to 10 percent down payments now.
More people are moving to the Sun Belt region, with many choosing to head South and West rather than to the Northeast and Midwest, the Census Bureau reports.
Dome homes may become more popular in the future because of their reputation for holding up well against natural disasters.
More than two-thirds of all homes with a mortgage now have at least 20 percent equity, giving home owners more options in the housing market in the new year, according to CoreLogic.
Following a five-hour standoff with SWAT officers, the ex-husband of Suzanne Parsons, 49, was apprehended and charged with stabbing her to death in her RE/MAX office in Fort Worth, Texas.
The 2007 measure exempted borrowers from federal taxes they normally would owe on assistance received from banks, primarily in the form of short sales and forgiven home loan debt.