In one market alone, inventories have fallen more than 50 percent in the last year. Find out where inventory levels are falling by the largest amounts.
Deutsche Bank says that there have been seven false recoveries with the housing market in the last six years. Will this one stick?
Home owners beware: “Your home owner’s insurance now probably covers less while costing more,” The Wall Street Journal reports.
Americans’ credit scores are an important piece of information that banks use to determine if you can get a mortgage or not. A new consumer watchdog group says these companies require more scrutiny.
The Facebook founder and CEO was able to refinance his $5.95 million loan and get a 1 percent mortgage rate on his home purchase. It wasn’t just because of his notoriety either. How did he do it?
While some analysts predict that the housing market collapse could create an entire generation of permanent renters, others believe eventual recovery in the job market will prompt some renters to buy homes.